Of utmost importance to Arnaoyok and Judy was the sharing of the Arnaqarvik collections with the community of Spence Bay/Taloyoak and creating a permanent digital record that can be shared with the world. In order to accomplish that sharing, funds were raised by key members of the group partnering with Pitquhirnikkut Ilihautiniq / Kitikmeot Heritage Society and Brendan Griebel to compile and document the Arnaqarvik's legacy of artwork and relationships into a dedicated website. The team was then able to travel to Taloyoak in October 2021 with an extensive collection of early Arnaqarvik sewing, fashion and dolls along with recording and photographic equipment. The collection of about 400 pieces was made available to all the students from the school in the afternoons and to the adults and particularly interested students in the evenings. Together they explored the work of their relatives, often with sketch books and cameras in hand, and photographer Cora DeVos was on hand to photograph them wearing the garments or, in the case of Peeteekootee’s son, holding armfuls of his mother’s packing animal designs. The evenings were also an opportunity to share the preliminary results of the website and get feedback on its use from the community. There was also sharing from the community through interviews of their memories of Arnqarvik and sharing their precious items from those early days for us to document and add to the website.